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Oeko-Tex Standard 100 is a worldwide testing and certification system for textile products. It guarantees that the article contains no harmful substances. Only products that meet the criteria set by Oeko-Tex 100 are allowed to bear the Oeko-Tex label.

Organic cotton is grown without pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Instead natural fertilizers from livestock are used. At harvest no defoliants are sprayed, because the cotton is mainly picked by hand, not by machines. This impacts the people working in the cotton fields and the environment significantly less, and ensures that the cotton does not contain residue of harmful chemicals.

Woolmark is amongst the world’s most recognized textiles certificates. Products carrying this certification are guaranteed to have passed The Woolmark Company’s strict testing criteria based on purity and quality of the wool.

Woolmark Blend indicates that the product contains between 50 % and 99 % pure new wool. Products carrying this certification are guaranteed to have passed The Woolmark Company ́s strict testing criteria based on purity and quality of the wool.

11 resultater
Joha - WOOL SOCKS - Koks melan
90,0063,00  DKK
Joha - WOOL SOCKS - Rød
90,0063,00  DKK
Joha - WOOL SOCKS - Navy
90,0063,00  DKK
Joha - Voksen finger handsker strik (uld) - sort 60311
149,00111,75  DKK
Joha - Uldsokker - farve 65601
79,0059,25  DKK
Joha - Uldsokker - råhvid 60050
90,0067,50  DKK
Joha - Uldsokker - farve 60013
89,0066,75  DKK
Joha - Uldsokker - Brun Melange - 65117
49,0036,75  DKK
Joha - Uldsokker // Beige Melange
89,0066,75  DKK
Joha - Uldsokker - grey melange 65205
79,0059,25  DKK
Joha - Uldsokker - sort 60311
79,0059,25  DKK
Lækker Merino uld fra Joha. Joha har i mange år solgt de lækreste uld og silke produkter til børn, men har også et stort program til voksne i lækker merino og silke.

Med 50 års erfaring på det skandinaviske marked kender forbrugerne Joha som et kvalitets- produkt.

Klassiske basisvarer som ikke går af mode.

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